FEIAP Youth Talent Innovation Competition 2024

Registration Information

Team participants are required to register through this link:

Please fill in the detail information of the list of each participant. One registration form is required per team. Please, make sure to register by the registration phase deadline and a confirmation email will be sent to you after passing the qualification.

  • Registration                                     : End October 15th, 2023
  • Announcement of Qualified teams     : October 31st, 2023
  • Concept Phase Materials Submission : October 31st, 2023 – December 29th, 2023
  • Materials Review                              : Mid-January 2024
  • Shortlist Announcement                   : February 29th, 2024
  • Final Phase and Awards Ceremony     : May, 2024 (TBA in February 2024)

The competition will be separated into three phases, namely Registration Phase, Concept
Phase and Final Phase.

  1. Registration Phase
    • Each team shall fill and submit the online registration form on time.
    • After review, teams that meet the participation qualification are eligible to enter
      the concept phase.
    • In the case where teams qualified for concept phase are less than 6, the
      competition will be cancelled.
  2. Concept Phase
    • Each team shall submit a concept proposal and shall present the concept in a
      5-minute pre-recorded video.
    • Based on the concept proposal submitted by each team, FEIAP judging
      committee will select the top 3 teams to proceed to the final phase.
  3. Final Phase
    • Finalist Teams will present their proposal at the FEIAP Convention competition
      session. At least, one member of each team should attend the convention.
    • Teams will be required to prepare a 15-minute presentation, followed by a 15-
      minute Q&A session with questions from the judges.
    • The top 3 teams will be presented with their awards based on evaluations of
      both the proposal and the final presentation.
  1. For each phase, the following will be required to be submitted by the participating
    teams before the submission deadline.
  2. The content of the submitted materials shall not contain any background information
    that may affect the fairness of the judging. Any violation might result in the
    cancellation of the team’s right to participate.

A. Registration Phase

  1. Registration form
    Each team shall ensure that all members meet the participation qualification and fill in
    the registration form before the deadline: “https://www.surveycake.com/s/nlv8a” Only
    one registration form is required per team. Registration details include team name,
    team members full name, background, email address, occupation, workplace or
    institution, workplace authorization (if needed), member economy , advisor(s) name
    (if already selected) and a brief abstract of the concept proposal.

B. Concept Phase
Below are the topics that participants will be asked to address in their concept proposal:

  1. Title of Venture or Concept
    The title of the venture should be unique and representative of the concept.
  2. Team Members
    Describe the team and what they are capable of for this venture. What
    responsibilities will each hold, and what are their objectives during this competition?
  3. Abstract
    Briefly explain the main concepts in a single paragraph in 200 characters or less. It
    must communicate briefly and clearly what the venture is about and for whom.
  4. Problem Statement
    Describe what needs or opportunity that are addressing and why it should be
    addressed. Why is this important? How big is this problem?
  5. Description of Product/Service
    Frame out the venture’s solution to the above stated problem. What is the venture’s
    unique insight, approach or advantage to solving that problem, and how will it
    function? What are the key assumptions? How attractive is the concept?
  6. SDG Impact
    Select the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in which the venture generates the
    greatest impact? How will the venture work to accelerate the SDG you are
    addressing? What is the venture’s impact on communities, the economy and
    environment? How do the measure it?

C. Final Phase

For the Final Phase, participating teams will be asked to resubmit their concept phase
entries with consideration of the feedback from the Judges.

Below are the topics that participants will be asked to address in the submission in
addition to the requested information from Concept Phase:

  1. Current Situation Analysis (Regulatory / Market)
    For whom are the creating values with the solution of the venture is offering? Who
    are the team trying to reach with the venture? What is the market size, growth
    potential, and how is the market trending now.
  2. Expected Application Outcome
    How is this problem currently being solved or addressed? What results are expected
    from your proposal? How will it get users? Why and how would a user choose the

All Materials must be submitted in English.
The content of the submitted materials shall not contain any background information that
may affect the fairness of the judging. Any violation might result in the cancellation of the
team’s right to participate.

  1. Concept Phase
    • Concept Proposal
      • The size of the proposal shall be A4 or/and A3, and the number of sheets shall
        not exceed 10 pages (PDF).
    • Pre-recorded Video Format
      • Participating teams are free to upload their pre-recorded video on any online
        video platform (ex: YouTube …) but must submit the watching link or attached
        QR code to the committee. Participant teams are responsible for any
        compatibility problems and should ensure to set the video to be viewed publicly.
        The pre-recording video should not be presented by the team advisor. Any
        Violation will be result in abstention. The participant teams can personally upload
        the pre-recorded video on a website and provide the link to the committee.
  2. Final Phase
    • Presentation File Format
      • Presentation files format references: PDF & ppt(x).

Below are the general marking guideline to the judge. The detail mark giving shall
refer to Judge Grading Sheet in Attachment.

  1. Alignment with SDG (15%)
    Team should clearly demonstrate how the solution will be able to meet the SDGs.
    Points should be awarded based on clear alignment with SDGs, as well as variety of
    SDGs the solution would be able to affect.
  2. Current Situation Analysis (Regulatory / Market) (15%)
    Teams should provide an analysis of current relevant regulations and market
    conditions which may affect their solution. The scope of this analysis should depend
    upon the team’s target market. Points should be awarded based on depth and
    accuracy of analysis.
  3. Innovation Concept (30%)
    Team should be able to clearly describe their innovative solution (e.g. method,
    technology, service, business model, process, etc.). Points should be awarded based
    on the level of creativity.
  4. Expected Application Outcome (25%)
    Teams should clearly describe the expected outcomes of their solutions. Points
    should be awarded based on the potential contribution to the respective field or
    sustainable development by the solution.
  5. Presentation (15%)
    Teams will be required to present a formal presentation of their innovation.
    Presentations should clearly communicate the intent of the proposed solution.
  1. The organizer reserves the right to cancel the event at any time.
  2. The organizer has the right to adjust the schedule in accordance with the actual situation.
  3. All entries submitted by the teams must be unpublished and free from plagiarism and
    imitation. If any violation of the rules and regulations listed in this competition, the team shall
    be disqualified. In case where the entry is a winning entry, the team must return the awarded
    prize money and certificates.
  4. No sponsorship is granted to the contestants. If any member chooses to join the convention
    in-person, all subsistence expenses including transportation, accommodation, meals costs and
    else shall be fully borne by the participant him/herself. However, all in-person participants are
    allowed to join the competition free of charge.
  5. All team members applying to this competition are deemed to accept the competition rules
    and regulations as well as the evaluation results announced by the organizer. If there is any
    violation, the organizer has the right to cancel the competition or the award.
  6. Team members are requested to ensure that their mailboxes is accessible to facilitate
    communication on important matters.
  7. Due to the principle of fairness, participating teams are not allowed to change or alter the
    application information submitted. Applicant teams are requested to carefully confirm the
    accuracy of the application information before submission.
  8. Other matters are subject to the decision of the evaluation committee.

Contact Info

For further question or inquiry, please contact:
Ms. Valli Saminathan
Email: valli@iem.org.my/international@iem.org.my
Tel: +603-79684010