A. Concept Phase
For the Concept Phase, the following will be required to be submitted by the participating teams through the platform and will be given to the judges for participants to understand what their team is trying to accomplish. This information will be collected from the participating teams through an online form which will be setup by the organizing committee and must be completed before the submission deadline.
Below are the topics that participants will be asked to address in their submission:
1. Title of Venture or Concept
The title of the venture should be unique and representative of the concept.
2. Team Members
Describe the team and what they are capable of for this venture. What responsibilities will each hold, and what are their objectives during this competition?
3. Elevator Pitch
Provide an elevator pitch of the concept in a single sentence in 200 characters or less. It must communicate briefly and clearly what the venture is about and for whom.
4. Problem Statement
Briefly describe what needs or opportunity that are addressing and why it should be addressed. Why is this important? How big is this problem?
5. Description of Product/Service
Frame out the venture’s solution to the above stated problem. What is the venture’s unique insight, approach or advantage to solving that problem, and how will it function? What are the key assumptions?
6. SDG Impact
Select the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) in which the venture generates the greatest impact? How will the venture work to accelerate the SDG you are addressing? What is the venture’s impact on communities, the economy and environment? How do the measure it?
7. Market Analysis
For whom are the creating value with the solution of the venture is offering? Who are the team trying to reach with the venture? What is the market size, growth potential, and how is the market trending now?
8. Business Model and Go-to-Market Strategy
How will the make venture generate revenue or what is the business model? What’s the go-to-market strategy? How will it get users?
9. Competition
How is this problem currently being solved or addressed? What do users do now without the product? Who are the direct and indirect competitors? Why would a user choose the solution over the competitors’ solutions?
B. Final Phase
For the Final Phase, participating teams will be asked to resubmit their entries with consideration of the feedback from the Judges.
Below are the topics that participant will be asked to address in the submission in addition to the requested information from Concept Phase:
1. Supply Chain
How the product or service will be produced and delivered? How will the venture secure resources require for production? Will the sources of raw materials enable to operate competitively and grow? How to deliver the product or service to reach its target customer?
2. Finances
Provide an overview of the required resources and economics of the venture. Provide clearly and adequately a breakeven analysis and financial projections for the venture. What are the prospects for long-term profitability?