Working Group

Working Group on Youth Talent Development

Ir. Yeoh Su Hong (IEM, Malaysia)


Iem Yeoh Su Hong

Work Groups Charter

The General Assembly or Executive Board may appoint Work Groups.

A Work Group will normally have a specific task or tasks and a life specified at the time of its creation. The life of a Work Group will not normally extend beyond the General Assembly after the appointment of the Work Group.

The General Assembly or Executive Board may appoint Work Groups.

A Work Group will normally have a specific task or tasks and a life specified at the time of its creation. The life of a Work Group will not normally extend beyond the General Assembly after the appointment of the Work Group.

The General Assembly or Executive Board as appropriate to the Work Group’s creation shall appoint the Chairman and the Members to serve on each Work Group.

The Members shall appoint the persons to represent them. It is desirable to preserve continuity.

The Secretariat for a Work Group shall be in the economy of the Chairman and shall be the responsibility of that Member.

Where a Member’s representative is no longer able to serve the Work Group effectively, the Member concerned may recommend a replacement for the consideration and acceptance of the Executive Board.

Each Work Group shall report on progress to each Executive Board and General Assembly meeting

Programs of activities of each Work Group shall be approved by the Executive Board or the General Assembly as appropriate to the Work Group’s creation.

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