
Members of the Federation shall consist of:

  •         Members (Organizations)
  •         Regional Members (Organizations)
  •         Associate Members (Organizations)

The General Assembly may, on recommendation of the Executive Committee, appoint as Honorary Fellow a person who has made a significant contribution to the objectives of the Federation. Appoint­ment as Honorary Fellow does not thereby confer on the person appointed any right nor impose any obligation.

Eligible as Members are  professional engineering organizations of the economies of the Asian and Western Pacific area representing engineers of high level of professional competence according to the  standards of each economy concerned.

The Federation shall have one Member from each economy. This will normally be the major institution or association of professional engineers in that economy. In the event of there being several organizations of equal standing in an economy, only one body representing these organizations shall be admitted as the Member.

Eligible as Associate Members are organizations or bodies organized on an economy, regional or international basis that are interested in supporting the objec­tives of the Federation

The institutions, associations or committees represented at the meeting which decided on the formation of the Federation and whose authorized representatives have signed the document of admission shall become Members of the Federation. Other  institutions, associations or committees and organizations may be admitted as Members of the Federation from time to time in accordance with the provision of this Constitution.

In the event of doubt as to which is the eligible institution or committee to represent a economy as the Member of the Federation, the Executive Committee shall, if requested, enquire into the matter and thereafter propose to the General Assembly of the Federation a solution in conformity with the interests of the Federa­tion.