FEIAP Green Design Guide – Non-Residential Building
(c) Developer, main builder, M & E consultant and architect that are ISO 14000 certified.
(d) Project team comprises one Certified Green Mark Manager / Professional.
(e) Provision of building users’ guide including details of the environmental friendly facilities and features within the building and their uses in achieving the intended environmental performance during building operation.
- Earth Control Measure, ECM to prevent the waste water/contaminated water from the construction site flows into the public drain.
- Silt fence
(f) Provision of facilities or recycling bins for collection and storage of different recyclable waste such as paper, glass, plastic etc.
- containers for different recyclable waste
3-4 Public Transport Accessibility
Promote the use of public transport or bicycles to reduce pollution from individual car use with the following provision :
(a) Good access to nearest Public transport stations.
(b) Adequate bicycles parking lots.
- Especially near the train or bus station.
- Dual-layer storage racks
(b) Provide safe cycling path for cyclist.
Click Here to View Example 18
3-5 Refrigerants
Reduce the potential damage to the ozone layer and the increase in global warming through the release of ozone depleting substances and greenhouse gases.
- Energy star refrigerator- Energy Star refrigerators have high efficiency compressors, improved insulation and defrosting features that help improve the energy efficiency.
(a) Refrigerants with ozone depletion potential (ODP) of zero or with global warming potential (GWP) of less than 100.
(c) Use of refrigerant leak detection system at critical areas of plant rooms containing chillers and other equipments with refrigerants.