Executive Board Meetings
At the meetings of the Executive Board Committee’s decisions shall be by majority vote of the members present. The Secretary General shall have no right to vote. Each other member of the Committee present shall have one vote, and if there is equality of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. One half or more of the voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. In the event that a member of the Executive Board is unable to attend a meeting, he/she may be represented by another of the Executive Committee as proxy.
The agenda of the meeting of the Executive Board shall include, if necessary:
- Arrangements for the election of the Vice President of the Federation and other members of the Executive Board;
- Applications and resignations for Members of the Federation;
- Proposals submitted by Members of the Federation;
- The report of the Secretary General on the activities and finance of the Federation, in particular, the measures taken to impleÂment the decisions of the General Assembly;
- Examination of the accounts of the Federation;
- Review of the program of activities and the budget;
- Proposals for subscription of the Members of the Federation;
- Other business approved by the President including when appropriate the selection of the recipient of the FEIAP Award of Engineering Achievement, as set forth in the Addendum;
- Fixing of the date and the venue of the next meeting of the General Assembly.
The Executive Board shall meet as often as is necessary and during each ordinary meeting of the General Assembly. The business of the Executive Board may be conducted telephonically or electronically when it is impracticable to conduct face-to-face meetings.
Any casual vacancy arising in the position of Vice President, Secretary General, Standing Committee Chairmen and Working Group Chairmen on the Executive Board may be filled, on the decision of the President, for the remaining period of the terms of office.