Executive Board

Office Bearers


Engr. Dr. Aung Kyaw Myat

Myanmar Engineering Council (MEngC)

Mengc Engr. Dr. Aung Kyaw Myat 1

Vice President

Engr. Federico A. Monsada

Philippine Technological Council (PTC)

Ptc Federico A. Monsada 2

Secretary General

Ir. Dr. Tan Yean Chin

The Institution Of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

Iem Tan Yean Chin .2

Immediate Past President

Dr. Prof. Huang Wei

China Association For Science and Technology (CAST)

President Huang Wei

Executive Board

Exco Member

Er. Vijai Bhanu Singh

The Institution of Engineers India (IEI)

Iei V B Singh

Exco Member

Dr. Kitjapat Phuoravan

The engineering Institute of Thailand (EIT)

Dr. Kitijapat Phuvoravan

Exco Member

Dr. Ir. Heru Dewanto

Persatuan Insinyur Indonesia (PII)

Pii Heru Dewanto 2

Exco Member

Engr. Dr. Nasir M. Khan

Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC)

Pec Nasir Md. Khan

Exco Member

Engr. John Kalamagye

Institution of Engineer Rwanda (IER)

Ier John Kalamagye

Exco Member

Dr. Wael R. Abdulmajeed

Iraqi Engineers Union (IEU)

Ieu Dr. Wael

Standing Committee

S.C Engineering Education

Tan Sri Dato' Seri Academician Ir. Prof. Emeritus Dr. Chuah Hean Teik

The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

Iem Tan Sri Ir. Dr Chuah Ht

S.C Environmental Sustainability

Er. Chong Kee Sen

The Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES)

Ies Chong Kee Sen

S.C Natural Disaster and Preparedness

Dr. Pyo, Chang Kyun

Korean Professional Engineers Association (KPEA)

Kpea Dr Pyo Chang Kyun

S.C Emerging Technologies for Professional Development

Prof. Dr. Wang Qinglin

China Association for Science and Technology (CAST)

Cast Prof Wang Qing Ling

Youth Talent Development Working Group

Ir. Yeoh Su Hong

The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia (IEM)

Iem Yeoh Su Hong

Executive Board Charter

The Executive Board, which shall be responsible to the General Assembly, shall consist of:

  • The President, the Vice President, the Secretary General, and the Immediate Past President; and
  • Representatives of Six General Members who do not hold other executive positions.

The President, the Vice President, the Immediate Past President and representatives of the Members shall be from different member economies of FEIAP

The President of FEIAP shall be the chairman of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board, which shall be responsible to the General Assembly, shall consist of:

  • The President, the Vice President, the Secretary General, and the Immediate Past President; and
  • Representatives of Six General Members who do not hold other executive positions.

The President, the Vice President, the Immediate Past President and representatives of the Members shall be from different member economies of FEIAP

The President of FEIAP shall be the chairman of the Executive Board.

Office-bearers shall hold office until the end of the ordinary meeting of the General Assembly two years after their election.

If the President is unable to complete his or her term, the Vice President will assume the role for the balance of the two-year term and the subsequent two-year term, after the approval of the General Assembly

The General Assembly may appoint a new Vice President at its next meeting.

In other cases, where a Members representative is no longer able to serve the Executive Board effectively, the Member concerned may recommend a replacement for the consideration and acceptance of the Executive Board.

The Executive Board shall submit to all Members, preferably three months in advance of the General Assembly nominations, received from Members for the offices of the Vice President and the other Members of the Executive Board. The Secretary General shall make adequate and appropriate arrangements for the calling of nominations.

At the meetings of the Executive Board decisions shall be by majority vote of the members present. The Secretary General shall have no right to vote. Each other member of the Executive Board present shall have one vote, and if there is equality of votes, the Chairman shall have the casting vote. One half or more of the voting members of the Executive Board shall constitute a quorum. In the event that a member of the Executive Board is unable to attend a meeting, he/she may be represented by another of the Executive Board as proxy.

The responsibilities of the Executive Board shall include, but not be limited to:

  • Arrangements for the election of the Vice President of FEIAP and other members of the Executive Board;
  • Consideration of applications and resignations for Members of FEIAP and making recommendations to the General Assembly;
  • Consideration of proposals submitted by Members of FEIAP and making recommendations to the General Assembly where appropriate;
  • Reviewing reports by the Secretary General on the activities and finances of FEIAP, in particular, the measures taken to implement the decisions of the General Assembly;
  • Monitoring of the financial performance of FEIAP;
  • Reviewing of the program of activities and the budget;
  • Developing proposals for annual subscriptions of the Members of FEIAP for consideration by the General Assembly;
  • Appointing an auditor to conduct an annual financial audit of FEIAP;
  • Selecting the recipients of the FEIAP Award of Engineering Achievement (as set forth in the Addendum), provided that no member of the Executive Board who represents a FEIAP Member from which a nomination for an award shall be involved in the evaluation of the nominations or selection of the winners;
  • Appointing an auditor to review the evaluation and selection process and outcomes under Clause 7.9.8;
  • Fixing of the date and the venue of the next meeting of the General Assembly; and
  • Other business approved by the President.

The Executive Board shall meet as often as is necessary and during each ordinary meeting of the General Assembly. The business of the Executive Board may be conducted telephonically or electronically when it is impracticable to conduct face-to-face meetings.

Any casual vacancy arising in the position of Vice President, Secretary General and Work Group and Standing Committee Chairmen may be filled, on the decision of the President, for the remaining period of the terms of office.

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