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Engineering Africa’s sustainable future: A United vision which highligts the Africa, Asia and the Pacific Accord (AAP Accord)

Engineering a Global Standard: The AAP Accord

The establishment of the Africa, Asia, and the Pacific (AAP) Accord in 2021 by the FAEO and the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and Pacific (FEIAP) is a landmark achievement.

This accord ensures that engineering organizations in these regions can meet or exceed the requirements of the International Engineering Alliance (IEA) through mentoring, training, and capacity-building.

It is a framework for establishing an international standard of engineering education and practices, empowering engineers across Africa, Asia, and the Pacific.

Through the efforts of ADEA, ASRIC, and ARSO, these initiatives are reinforced by educational reforms, cutting-edge research, and the establishment of quality standards. Together, these organizations are building the foundation for a sustainable and efficient engineering future in Africa.

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