Nomination Form | Scoring System| Winners

Statutes of the FEIAP Engineer of the Year Award


1. Purpose
The purpose of the Award is to encourage the engineers both young and veterans to make great contributions to the engineering within Asia and Pacific region.
2. The Prize
The Prize shall consist of a certificate and a commemorative souvenir.
The Member Economy will pay for the price of the commemorative souvenir for the winner from their country. The costs will be priced at RM1,000/- per piece
(Approved at 7th Excomm Board meeting  in Penang, Malaysia on 25 November 2015)
3. Periodicity
Maximum of three (3) awards shall be given annually by the President during  the function of FEIAP General Assembly
4. Selection of Prize-Winner
The recipient of the award shall be assessed by the FEIAP Executive Committee based on the nomination and recommendations from the member economies. If the candidates nominated do not meet the selection criteria, the Executive Committee reserve the right not to recommend the award.
4.1 Only a maximum of three winners are to be given in each year
(Approved at 23rd  FEIAP General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan on 7 July 2015)
4.2 Member economy whose nomination was successful as FEIAP Engineer of  the Year in the year before will not be allowed to nominate any candidate in   the following year  (i.e. there shall be a lapse of one year for next nomination from the same economy).
(Approved at 23rd  FEIAP General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan on 7 July 2015)
4.3 Member Economy may send in as many entries as they desire.   Each member economy is only entitled to win one nominee of the award for the year. Only the nominee with the highest total number of score from each member economy will be selected the winner.
(Approved at 21st FEIAP General Assembly in Hyderabad, India on 9 May 2012)
5. Presentation of Candidates
The Secretary-General will send notice of nomination of candidates. Economy members will have one month to propose nominations. All nomination proposals shall reach the Secretary General by the closing date stipulated in the notice.
6. Criteria
6.1 The work for the Award shall be substantial with the contribution for the advancement and development of engineering profession in the Asia Pacific region, and/or the progress of scientific research in the field of engineering as judges by the quality of his or her publications and/or patents.
6.2 The recipient should be of an engineer having the highest standard of ethics and conduct, and should have made a substantial contribution in the field of engineering benefiting society as a whole.
6.3 Nominations of the Award are open to all members of the economies
  • Invitation for nominations will be announced annually by the Secretary General
  • Award recipient and the relevant member economy will be notified one month before the General Assembly for them to make the preparation to attend the award ceremony. All costs shall be borne by the member economy
  • Nominations shall be made by any member economy but must be submitted to the FEIAP Secretary General
  • Each nomination shall be made on a prescribed form and accompanied by a brief write-up giving details of the professional achievements, the contributions made and the services rendered. Missing information may disqualify the entry from further consideration. The Executive Committee reserves the right not to provide any explanation for any disqualification.
7. Appointment of Evaluators for the Award
7.1 Three (3) Evacuators from any of the member Economy will be appointed by the General Assembly.  An Alternate Evaluator can be appointed by the General Assembly as standby in case of the need for anyone of the Evaluator to be replaced.
(Approved at 20th FEIAP General Assembly in Seoul, Korea  on 17 May 2012)
An increased from 3-4 Evaluators is to be appointed by the General Assembly in case there are withdrawals due to the participation of a nominee from the member Economy to which the Evaluator has been appointed.
(Approved at 22nd FEIAP General Assembly in Beijing, China  on 30 May 2014)
An increased in numbers from 4 to 5 Evaluators is to be appointed by General Assembly in case there are withdrawals due to the participation of a candidate from the member economy.
The allocation of 5 Evaluators is to allow a withdrawal should the member Eonomy submits a nominee for the Award
Each member economy has to inform the Secretary-General of the name of the appointed Evaluator.
(Approved at 23rd FEIAP General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan  on 7 July 2015)
7.2 If there is a nominee from the member economy and that the Evaluation Team or the Award Auditor is also from the same member economy, then the Evaluation Team member or the Award Auditor will have to be replaced.
The Evaluation Team and the Award Auditor must not be from the same member economy for the same year.
(Approved at 20th FEIAP General Assembly in Seoul, Korea  on 17 May 2012)
7.3 Award Auditor is to be appointed by the General Assembly and he shall be the current winner of the Engineer of the Year. If the Award Auditor is from the same institution as that of the nominee for the coming award, then the Award Auditor shall be replaced with one of the previous year’s winners.
(Example: The winner of the 2013 award shall automatically be the nominated Award Auditor for 2014).
(Approved at 20th FEIAP General Assembly in Seoul, Korea  on 17 May 2012)
7.4 The General Assembly can appoint an alternate Award Auditor if there is more than one award winner the year before.
(Approved at 20th FEIAP General Assembly in Seoul, Korea  on 17 May 2012)
7.5 In order to meet the deadline for scoring the results from 3 of the 4 Evaluators who have submitted their scores will be sufficient for the Secretary- General to plot the score and announce the results of the winners
(Approved at 22nd FEIAP General Assembly in Beijing, China  on 30 May 2014)
The results from 3 of the 5 Evaluators submitted will be sufficient for the Secretary General to plot the score and announce the result of the winners.
(Approved at 23rd FEIAP General Assembly in Taipei, Taiwan  on 7 July 2015)
7.6 Passing score based on the award criteria is at 75 points