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UNESCO Support of FEIAP Engineering Guidelines for Accreditation


Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) is collaborating with UNESCO, Jakarta to improve the Standard of Engineering Qualifications. FEIAP and UNESCO, Jakarta are working together to raise the standard of engineering qualifications in universities and institutions of tertiary education in association with the engineering bodies. UNESCO had agreed to support this initiative and the FEIAP Engineering Education Guidelines has been uploaded also onto the UNESCO website. UNESCO agreed to assist FEIAP to champion its guidelines. The current membership of FEIAP is using this FIAP Guidelines to help their own member economy to achieve the engineering qualification standards that is required for them to join the Washington Accords. The FEIAP member economy using this guidelines are as below:
• IEB ( The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh)
• AAES ( American Association of Engineering Societies)
• IE Sri Lanka ( The Institution of Engineers, Sri Lanka)
• KPEA (Korea Professional Engineers Association)
• IPEJ (Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan)
• EA (Engineers Australia)
• EIT (The Engineering Institute of Thailand)
• PII (The Institution of Engineers Indonesia)
• PTC (Philippines Technological Council)
• IES (The Institution of Engineers, Singapore)
• CAST (China Association of Science of Technology)
• HKIE (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
• IEPNG (The Institution of Engineers, Papua New Guinea)
• IEM (The Institution of Engineers, Mauritius)
• CIE (Chinese Institute of Engineers, Chinese Taipei)
• MES (Myanmar Engineering Society)
• IEI (The Institution of Engineers, India)
• PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council)
• CIP (College of Engineers of Peru)
• ANETL (Association of National Engineers of Timor Leste )

At a recent meeting held at the UNESCO Office in Jakarta, Indonesia, a presentation was made by Dr Shahbaz Khan the , Deputy Director, UNESCO Regional Science Bureau for Asia and the Pacific, Jakarta, Indonesia and his staff. Dr Shahbaz Khan then made a presentation on Comprehensive Programme to Enhance Technology, Engineering and Science Education Competency in Asia.

The report of the visit to UNESCO Office on 13 November 2013 { Click Here to View the Report }

Presentation on COMprehensive Program to Enhance Technology, Engineering and ScieNCE Education (COMPETENCE) in Asia – The Role and Contribution of Higher Education Institutions. 2013 { Click Here to View Document}

UNESCO Support of FEIAP Engineering Guidelines for Accreditation – Support South-South Co-operation on Accreditation of Engineering Education Qualifications and Mobility of Engineers in Asia Pacific and Africa (Click to view report)