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UNESCO Collaboration with FEIAP to Improve the Standard of Engineering Qualifications

Engineering 1

Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) and UNESCO, Jakarta are working together to raise the standard of engineering qualifications in universities and institutions of tertiary education in association with the engineering bodies. The current members of FEIAP include:

  • KPEA (Korea Professional Engineers Association)
  • IEM (The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia)
  • IPEJ (Institution of Professional Engineers, Japan)
  • EA (Engineers Australia)
  • EIT (The Engineering Institute of Thailand)
  • PII (The Institution of Engineers Indonesia)
  • PTC (Philippines Technological Council)
  • IES (The Institution of Engineers, Singapore)
  • CAST (China Association of Science of Technology)
  • HKIE (Hong Kong Institution of Engineers)
  • IEPNG (The Institution of Engineers, Papua New Guinea)
  • IEM (The Institution of Engineers, Maurtius)
  • CIE (Chinese Institute of Engineers, Chinese Taipei)
  • MES (Myanmar Engineering Society)
  • IEI (The Institution of Engineers, India)
  • AAES(American Association of Engineering Societies)
  • IEB (The Institution of Engineers, Bangladesh)
  • PEC (Pakistan Engineering Council)
  • CIP (College of Engineers of Peru)
  • ANETL (Association of National Engineers of Timur Leste )

UNESCO is working with FEIAP to support and improve the FEIAP engineering education guidelines in the region. UNESCO will actively explore a MasterClass under the Connect-Asia initiative for creating wider awareness for the standardization of engineering qualifications.

View Document: FEIAP Engineering Education Guidelines (2010-12-30)

Link to the FEIAP Website: