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The ASEAN Federation of Engineering Organisation (AFEO) and The Institution of Engineers, Malaysia would like to invite members of FEIAP Economy to participate in the coming 33rd Conference of Engineering Organisations (AFEO) and the 7th FEIAP Exco meeting in Penang, Malaysia from 23 – 26 November 2015 at the Hotel Equatorial, Penang, Malaysia. The FEIAP Exco meeting has been scheduled on 25 November 2015 at 9.00 am

The brochure on this coming 33rd CAFEO and programme (Click here to download programme) of the meeting of FEIAP Exco is available and can be downloaded.(Click here to download brochure)

The theme of the CAFEO 33 is on “From Light to Bytes – ASEAN Engineering Evolution and Future Challenges”.

The sub theme is on

  • Integrated public transportation system in urban development
  • Electrical, electronic mechanical, information and communication technology engineering
  • Engineering and technology for sustainable infrastructure design
  • Chemical and environmental engineering development
  • Engineering education and woman engineering in developing countries

The deadlines for submission of papers and abstract are as follows:
Closing date for submission of abstract : 22 June 2015
Notification of acceptance of abstract : 3 July 2015
Closing date for submission of manuscript : 10 August 2015
Notification of acceptance of paper : 30 August 2015

FEIAP and IEM invites members to participate in the conference either as authors or participants. The registration fee are as follows:
FEIAP delegates – USD100.00
Spouses or Accompanying persons with FEIAP delegation– USD100.00
Non FEIAP delegate members – USD200.00
Technical tours will be arranged for the conference participants while sightseeing tours in the neighbourhood of Penang will be made for registered spouses and accompanying person. Those interested please connect to this link to download the CAFEO 33 information