Admission to Federation
The Executive Committee shall examine each application for membership of the Federation and shall inform all Members of its receipt and of the recommendation of the Committee. Approval of the application for membership requires a two-third majority of all Members either by vote at a General Assembly or by postal or electronic ballot.
- In the interest of the Federation, the General Assembly may also accept Members and Regional Members from regions other than Asia and the Pacific that are interested in supporting the objectives of FEIAP
- Notwithstanding Clause 3.6, an economy member of FEIAP may propose other relevant professional bodies within the same economy which share common interest as FEIAP to be Associate Members, with rights to attend all activities of FEIAP
Resignation and Expulsion.
A member whose subscription is two years in arrears shall be reported to the General Assembly. The
General Assembly shall, after suitable remonstrance by letter in the form so provided and if
subscriptions remain unpaid, expel the defaulter from FEIAP by erasing its membership from the Roll.
A member wishing to resign from the Federation shall give six months notice of resignation in writing, addressed to the Secretary General.
The General Assembly may by a two-third majority of Members entitled to vote decide to terminate the membership of any Member who has failed to fulfil its obligations to the Federation or has engaged in activities which run counter to the objectives of the Federation.