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Academician Huang Wei Re-elected President of FEIAP (2021-2022)

At the 29th General Assembly (GA) of the Federation of Engineering Institutions of Asia and the Pacific (FEIAP) held online recently, Academician Professor Huang Wei was successfully re-elected President of FEIAP, marking the beginning of his second presidential term.

President Huang Wei is an academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and foreign academician of Russian Academy of Sciences. He is currently holding the posts of Deputy Director of the University Council and Director of the Academic Committee at Northwestern Polytechnical University (NPU). He is also Chief Scientist of the Frontiers Science Center for Flexible Electronics (Institute of Flexible Electronics, IFE), NPU.  

FEIAP is the most important engineering organization in the Asia-Pacific region, and the annual GA is its supreme decision-making meeting as well as one of the most important activities of the organization. The 29th GA in 2021 is the second virtual GA in FEIAP’s history since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Nearly a hundred representatives from 26 member economies including China, Malaysia, Singapore, Japan, Thailand, Pakistan, India, Philippines, Bangladesh, Indonesia, South Korea, Australia, Peru, and Myanmar attended the GA. Dr. Tan Yean Chin, Secretary General of FEIAP and former President of the Institute of Engineers Malaysia, presided over the assembly.    

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